Fanatec GT World Challenge Europa
/in News/da Roberto BerettaPrend
e il via all’Autodromo Enzo e Dino Ferrari di Imola il primo dei 5 round endurance 2022 del Fanatec GT World Challenge Europa Powered by AWS.Diverse sono le novità, partendo dai circuiti Imola prende il posto dell’Autodromo Nazionale di Monza la cui gara era legata dal lontano 2011 fino al 2021.In Germania esce di scena il circuto del Nurburgring che lascia a Hockeneim.Nei piloti l’ingresso di Valentino Rossi al volante dell’Audi R8 LMS GT3 Evo II,dopo i test collettivi svoltesi al Paul Ricard nei primi giorni di marzo.Sono 52 le vetture iscritte a questo primo round del GT World.Oggi si sono svolti test privati dove la Mercedes AMG GT3 a dimostrato tutto il suo potenziale segnando il miglior crono,cosi come nei test collettivi del Paul Ricard dove erano presenti quasi tutte le vetture.Domani giorno di fermo per poi ripartire dal venerdi mattina. Un grande appuntamento quello di Imola per tutti gli appasionati del motorsport e delle gare Endurance. Testo:Roberto Beretta Imola Entry List 2022 _ Italy _ 30 March 2022 – 3 April 2022 _ Fanatec GT World Challenge Europe Powered by AWSiiii
12H.Hankook del Mugello Seconda parte
/in News/da Roberto BerettaLa ripartenza della 12H.Hankook del Mugello prende il via alle ore 9.00 con la seconda parte di gara, con arrivo alle 15.30.Queste ultime 6.30 ore entusiasma
va il pubblico presente.Dalla prima fila parte bene la BMW M4 GT3 #1 di ST Racing con:Samantha Tan-Bryson Morris-Nick Wittmer,che respingono l’attacc
o alla staccata della San Donato prima curva dopo il via
della Mercedes AMG GT3 #25 di Landgraf Motorsport Mann Filter di: Alexander Hrachowina-Martin Konrad-Bernard Schneide.La lotta per la prima posizione per queste 2 vetture che si scambiavano ripetutamente le posizione più volte nel corso della gara.All’ultimo pit stop sulla BMW M4 GT3 saliva Nick Wittmer portandola al traguardo vittoriosa,compiendo i 330 giri della pista del Mugello.Il ri
sultato segna la prima v
ittoria assoluta per una squadra canadese nella serie 24H.Series.Per la BMW GT è la prima vittoria dal lontano 2011.Nelle fasi finali l’Audi R8 LMS GT 3 Evo II #18 Phoenix Racing di Michael Doppelmayr-Pierre Kaffer-E
lia Erhat-Sven Herberger a la meglio sulla Mercedes #25 Landgraf Motorsport Mann Filter di Alexander Hrachowina-Martin Konrad-Bernard Schn
eider, giungendo rispettivamente secondi e terzi al traguardo sotto la bandiera a scacchi.Svariati colpi di scene nelle altre categorie con classifiche separate per classi.In allegato l’ordine d’arrivo completo. Testo e Foto:Roberto Beretta
12H.Hankook del Mugello Prima Parte
/in News/da Roberto BerettaLa prima parte della 12H.Hankook del Mugello della durata di 5.3o,prende il via sabato alle ore 13:00 alle 18:30.Dopo due sessioni di qulificazioni dalla prima fila con il secondo miglior crono è la #1 BMW M4 GT3 di ST Rac
ing a prendere il comando il team composto da Samantha Tam-Bryson Morris e Nick Wittmer davanti all’Audi R8 LMS GT3 Evo II di Phoenix Racing#18 di Michael Doppelmayr-Pierre Kaffer-Elia Erhart-Swen Herberger,che poi riprendono il comando dopo 10 giri.Si univa al gruppo di testa dopo i primi pit stop la #25 Mercedes AMG GT3 del Mann Filter Team composta da:Alexander Hrachowina-Martin Konrad-Bernard Schneider.Con la gara costante la #1 BMW M4 GT3 ritornava al comando con un margine di vantaggio di sesanta secondi sulla Mercedes AMG GT3 #25 che a sua volta aveva un vantaggio di 1,5 secondi sulla vettura #18 Audi R8 LMS Evo II di Phoenix Racing.Le prime tre vetture sono le sole a pieni giri.In lotta per la classe GT la #71 Audi R8 LMS GT3 Evo I del Juta Racing composta da :Julius Adomavicius-Andrius Gelzinis-Jona Gelzinis,e la #8 Ferrari 488 GT3 Evodel Kessel Racing con Marco Frezza-David Fumanelli-Alessandro Cutrera
-Marco Talarico e L.M.D.V.entrambi sono rimasti al comando della gara nelle fasi iniziali della Hankook 12H. del Mugello.A dieci minuti dal termine brivido per il team americano CP Racing la sua Mercedes AMG GT3 #85 di Charles Pu
tman-Charles Espenlaub-Joe Foster,si era ammutolita in pista per poi riprendere la gara,mantenedo la sesta posizione davanti alla Mercedes AMG GT3 #58 MP Racing di Thomas GostnerSabato da dimenticare per il-David Gostner-Corinna Gostner-Giorgio Sernagiotto fresco vincitore della 12 ore di Sebring della scorsa settimana.Sabato da dimenticatre per Herberth Motorsport con la Porsche 911GT3 4R composta da: Daniel Allemann-Ralf Bohn-Alfred Renauer-Robert Renauer,che li costringeva ad una sosta per una foratura,poi 2 contatti,il primo conil team tutto francese SK Racing con la #215 Ligier JS2 R Franco Lemma-Franck Eburderie-Jèrome Dacosta-Franck Lavergne,il secondo contatto con la Vortex 1.0 #702 di Patrick Brochier-Gilles Courtois-Nicolas Nobs.La Porsche 911 GT3 R si trova attualmente in ottava posizione.Il team olandese BoDa by Bas Koeten Racing porta per la prima volta in assoluto della 24H.Series la Bentley Continental GT3 #6
con Bob Herber e Marcel Van Ber
lo.Vettura che a subito ripetuti problemi di ABS.Nella GTX è la Lamborghini Huracan Super Trofeo#720 RD Signs-Siauliai Racing Team che con Adrius Butkevicius-Nicola Michelon e Paulius Peskevicius mantine la prima posizione di categoria
con un ampio margine di vantaggio sugli inseguitori.Nella categoria 992 è la Porsche 911 GT CUP(992) che mantiena la prima posizione. In allegato la locandine con i risultati odierni. Testo e Foto:Roberto Beretta
24H.Series Mugello
/in News/da Roberto BerettaSono terminate le qualifiche della 24H.Series in programma all’autodromo del Mugello.Nelle 2 sessioni di prove cronometrate la vettura #18 Audi R8 LMS GT3 Evo II del Phoenix Racing ha conquistato la pole position con il tempo di 1:48.362.Il sabato dalle ore 13.30 alle 13:00 alle 18:30 la prima parte di gara.Il via della seconda parte di gara la domenica a partire dalle ore 09.00 alle 15.30.L’autodromo è aperto al pubblico con biglietto d’ingresso al sabato al costo di 10.00 euro mentre la domenica il prezzo è di 15.00 euro.Starting Grid (1) Testo e Foto:Roberto Beretta
/in News/da Roberto BerettaCon temperature primaverile si è conclusa all’autodromo del Mugello la giornata dedicate alle prove libere della 12H.Series,sono scese in pista quasi tutte le vetture.La giornata si è svolta con 2 sessioni la prima sessione dalle ore 10,30 alle 13,30.Dopo un’ora di pausa la seconda sessione di prove libere dalle ore 14,30alle 17,30.Sul finire delle prove un incidende alla Porsche 911 GT3 Cup del team: E2 P Racing,con ingenti danni alla vettura,senza conseguenze per il pilota. Testo e Foto:Roberto Beretta
24H.Series Creventic Mugello
/in News/da Roberto BerettaTutto pronto all’autodromo del Mugello per la 12 ore Creventic per il secondo round del campionato endurance 24H.Series in programma dal 25 al 27 marzo.La gara di durata si svolgerà in 2 sessisioni dopo le prove cronometrate. La prima partenza il sabato dalle ore 13 alle ore 18:3, con le prime 5:30 di gara.La domenica mattina la seconda partenza con le rimanenti 6,30 ore di gara, che prenderà il via dalle ore 09 alle 15:30.Ci sono altre gare di contorno alla 12 ore,con prove e gare e sono: ATCC-FX1-TOPJET F 2000 Series e FX PRO Series. Testo Roberto Beretta
For Immediate Release
March 22, Sebring, Florida.- After a promising start at the 70th Edition of the Mobil 1 Twelve Hours of Sebring Presented by Advance Auto Parts, PR1/Mathiasen Motorsports #11 LMP2 entry piloted by Steven Thomas, Jonathan Bomarito and Josh Pierson ended the race in the 4th position last Saturday.
“What an emotional rollercoaster!”, said Team Principal Bobby Oergel. “The chances were looking strong to a podium finish, sadly a broken exhaust collector killed the ability to produce the type of lap times to make that happen. Steven, Josh and Jonathan did a great job and sadly it wasn’t our day to put it in the books with the #11 car.”
Weather conditions played an important role for all teams and drivers competing in the 70th edition of this mythical 12-hour race, with high temperatures taking a toll on drivers and teams.
“Another tough race for the #11 car.”, said Jonathan Bomarito. “We are making progress as a team and I’m looking forward to the next race at Laguna Seca. Congrats to the #52 car and crew,
they had a great race!”, Bomarito finalized.
The next event in the WeatherTech SportsCar Championship is the Hyundai Monterey Sports Car Championhsip Presented by Motul at WeatherTech Raceway Laguna Seca, next April 29 .
Credit Photo:Sideline Sports Photography
March 22, 2022.- Sebring, Florida. PR1/Mathiasen Motorsports won the 70th Edition of the Mobil 1 Twelve Hours of Sebring Presented by Advance Auto Parts in the LMP2 class, with the #52 Wynns/RainX/4Horsemen/Client Command, after a dominating performance by drivers Ben Keating, Mikkel Jensen and Scott Huffaker last Saturday at Sebring International Raceway, finishing a lap ahead of their second-place competitors.
The heat and humidity at the Florida venue, became critical factors for all teams and drivers competing in the 70th edition of this mythical 12-hour race, that also serves as the second round of the IMSA Michelin Endurance Cup.
“It was so much hotter than other years.”, said Scott Huffaker. “We were able to use that to our advantage. I think some other teams really struggled with their drivers and the heat, and we were able to be a little bit stronger in that sense, it helped give us the win.”, Huffaker added.
“This Sebring win is likely the toughest I’ve seen with competitors and the tough weather conditions for all the drivers and teams.”, said Team Principal, Bobby Oergel. “For me it’s the hardest event on the calendar and I’m so thankful and proud of the drivers and team to win this event.”, he finalized.
Ben Keating, who also raced in the 1000 Miles of Sebring WEC race held on Friday March 18th, started the 12-hour race from the pole position. “I am still just exhausted. But it is a happy exhausted.”, Keating said. “I did 3 hours in the WEC race on Friday and 3 hours in the IMSA race on Saturday. Sebring is a very physical track, that’s tests both man and machine. Over Friday and Saturday, I burned over 11,000 calories, and I can’t eat enough to catch up. I don’t remember ever being this drained energetically”, he added.
“This was a team win, for sure. We all pulled together to do our job perfectly and this was the maximum result. I am so proud of everyone on the team. I was really happy with my performance behind the wheel. The car was amazing. All the drivers were quick. We have close to 100 guests there from Wynns and 4 Horsemen. It was just perfect!” Keating finalized.
Last Saturday’s win becomes the third-straight Twelve Hours of Sebring win for the California-based team, and third-straight win for Scott Huffaker, as well.
“This was a very special win for the team, being that is three in a row for them, and me being a part of that, means a lot.”, said Huffaker. “Everything came down to being consistent, having flawless pitstops, goo
d strategy, keeping our nose clean. Everyone just did their job. There was no particular one thing that stood out, that made us the best, but it was a combination of everything, which was really cool to see and it was really special to be a part of.”, Huffaker concluded.
For drivers Mikkel Jensen and Beating, this was their second-win at Sebring with the team. “Amazing win to get this second one in a row for the team that’s it’s an amazing achievement.”, said Mikkel Jensen. “We
did everything as we should, no mistakes. Everything went smoothly. All competitors got into trouble and we benefited from staying out of trouble. Which was the plan. That’s how you win endurance races.” he added.
The #52 Wynns/RainX/4Horsemen/Client Command returns to action for the round 3 of the IMSA Michelin Endurance Cup at the Sahlen’s Six Hours of The Glen, next June 23 – 26th.
Photo credit: Sideline Sports Photography
For Immediate Release
March 14, Sebring, Florida.- After a 4th place finish at the 24 Hours of Daytona seven weeks ago, the #52 Wynns/RainX/4Horsemen/Client Command Oreca 07 LMP2 will be at full speed in Sebring for the 70th Mobil 1 Twelve Hours of Sebring Presented by Advance Auto Parts on March 19. The two-time LMP2 champion at Sebring, will fight to repeat their past success with drivers with drivers Ben Keating, Mikkel Jensen and Scott Huffaker.
This year, fifty-three cars are entered – an increase of 16 cars from a year ago – in the mythical 12-hour race that also serves as the second round of the IMSA Michelin Endurance Cup. “I feel pretty good going into the 12 Hours of Sebring,” said Ben Keating. “There are many more competitors this year, and those competitors are better than they were last year. However, we are coming into the race as the defending ‘Wynner’, and that is a pretty good position!”.
“Our car and our drivers were quick at Sebring last year and I don’t expect anything different for 2022. This is a home race for WYNN’S and they will have a bunch of people at the race. I hope to celebrate with them at the end.” Keating finalized.
“Sebring, is one of the best tracks of the year,” added Mikkel Jensen. “Last year we had a very strong car, very strong teammates, so I think we have a good package. The field is strong, we are seven cars now, so it’s a big increase from last year. 7 strong cars with good drivers, good line ups, good teams, so it will be a tough one so I hope we can defend our win from last year. We will do whatev
er it takes, to try and defend it!” Jensen concluded.
“We are all very excited to get back at the track and especially to Sebring as it’s been a great place for our team over the years.” adds Bobby Oergel, team principal. “Saying it’s great is kind of a bitter sweet as I personally find this race to be the toughest on the calendar, that makes us all want to add another Sebring to the ‘Win’ column. The crew has done a great job getting things turned around from Daytona over the last month and I know our drivers have been working hard to prepare for this as well. With Ben doing the WEC 1000 Miles of Sebring and the IMSA Twelve Hours of Sebring races within 24
hours of each other it’s going to be exciting to see him pushing his abilities to the limits around this place!” Oergel finalizes.
WeatherTech Championship action at Sebring International Raceway begins Thursday, March 17 with three practice sessions for the five classes. Qualifying is set for Friday, March 18, with the race commencing the morning of Saturday, March 19. For more information about this upcoming event, click here. Credit Photo:Sideline Sports Photography